Friday 2 November 2012

Fear of needles when you go to the dentist? Here is the solution

Are artificial sweeteners unhealthy?

There are a lot of concerns raised by many medical doctors around the world regarding Aspartame, an essential ingredient found in foods and drinks Canadians consume everyday. Artificial sweeteners are generally found in diet drinks and low fat foods. Have you ever wondered why a 0% fat yogurt tastes sweet? While FDA, Health Canada and other government organizations insist that Aspartame is safe to consume, there are many scientific researches that raise serious concerns on long term consumption of artificial sweeteners.
As health professionals it is our duty to help the public with available scientific resources so they can make an informed decision on every product they consume. Advocating for a healthy public policy in Canada is a part of our job as dental hygienists. We embrace evidence based research and apply it in our everyday practice. Here are a few helpful resources to read:
Pro usage of artificial sweeteners
Health Canada
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention U.S
Food and Drug Administration U.S
Against consumption of artificial sweeteners
Purdue University Research Professor Terry Davidson and associate professor Susan Swithers
 European Ramazzini Foundation
Dr. Mercola
Sience Based Medicine 

Article reference from Dental Blog

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Laser teeth whitening treatment

If you think your smile is important, then Laser Teeth Whitening is the right treatment for you. The demand and popularity for Teeth Whitening in Toronto is growing rapidly. Teeth whitening has proven to be one of the most economical treatments to enhance your smile. Recent studies show that American people spend 1.4 billion dollars every year on teeth whitening products. Based on the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, 99.7% of Americans believe that a beautiful smile is an important asset in regard to their social life. Having a beautiful smile improves your quality of life, makes you more appealing to people and increases the chances of success in your career. Read more

Teeth Whitening Procedure
Oral Assessment
Prior to your teeth whitening treatment you will have to fill out a short medical and dental history form. Then, for your safety, our Licensed Dental Hygienist will complete an intra-oral assessment to detect any possible conditions in your mouth that might affect your teeth whitening results.
Teeth Color
The color of your teeth is matched before and after whitening with a VITA™ teeth whitening shade guide. This is done to determine how many shades lighter your teeth will become after the professional teeth whitening treatment. Before and after photographs will be taken to document the results.
Lip Retractor
Once the oral assessment is completed, a lip retractor will be placed into your mouth to avoid the contact between the whitening gel and your soft oral tissue (cheeks, lips and tongue).
Cotton Rolls
Cotton rolls are placed under the tongue and on both sides of your back teeth to avoid the saliva from washing out the whitening gel. Sometimes the use of suction periodically is enough to avoid this problem.
Gum Insulator
A special liquid dam is used to avoid the whitening gel from coming into contact with the gums. Protecting the gums reduces sensitivity and is a very important step that maximizes the safety of the client during the treatment. This procedure is only allowed to be performed by Licensed Dental Professionals (Dentists or Dental Hygienists).
Teeth Whitening Gel
A specific amount of high quality teeth whitening gel is applied onto the surface of the teeth that are being treated for whitening. The active agent of the whitening gel is Hydrogen Peroxide.
Laser Teeth Whitening light
A special teeth whitening LED light will then be placed close to your teeth to accelerate the whitening process. This special blue light is responsible for speeding up the process of whitening in approximately 45 minutes. It produces no heat while shortens the activation gel process.
Fluoride Gel
After the whitening treatment, a special gel that contains fluoride, aloe vera, and other ingredients will then be applied to reduce any possible side effects and help to reinforce your enamel structure.
Just Smile At Home Whitening Kit
Continuing your treatment at home is essential because it helps you to maintain the achieved whitening results and delays the relapse. The whitening products included in the kit are safe to use and come with detailed instructions on how to safely and effectively use them yourself. This kit is used for occasional touch ups.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Gum surgery for receding gums and gum disease treatments isn't what it used to be. New laser technologies mean less pain, less bleeding and quicker recovery. More Dental Videos

Monday 2 July 2012

Water fluoridation awarness from dental professionals

100 dental professionals from 15 countries around the world participated in the the water fluoridation conference in Toronto. They discussed the fact that dental students in Western countries are not trained to detect fluorosis symptoms which are reversible if fluoride is discontinued.
“While the epidemiological
evidence is not perfect—it seldom
is—it certainly compares very favorably
with the early studies which purported
that fluoridation reduced tooth decay.
With such a delicate instrument as the
developing brain at stake, this is not the
time we should be exposing babies to
fluoride concentrations that are over
100 times the level in mother’s milk”.
Evidence from the meeting raised calls for
This statement clearly exposes the fact that many dental professionals are rising concerns about the level of fluoride in our cities.
Ref: Dental Research Institute University of Toronto