Monday 2 July 2012

Water fluoridation awarness from dental professionals

100 dental professionals from 15 countries around the world participated in the the water fluoridation conference in Toronto. They discussed the fact that dental students in Western countries are not trained to detect fluorosis symptoms which are reversible if fluoride is discontinued.
“While the epidemiological
evidence is not perfect—it seldom
is—it certainly compares very favorably
with the early studies which purported
that fluoridation reduced tooth decay.
With such a delicate instrument as the
developing brain at stake, this is not the
time we should be exposing babies to
fluoride concentrations that are over
100 times the level in mother’s milk”.
Evidence from the meeting raised calls for
This statement clearly exposes the fact that many dental professionals are rising concerns about the level of fluoride in our cities.
Ref: Dental Research Institute University of Toronto

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